Service: Administration

Nicole Flanagan

A Nebraska girl who ditched the cornfields for the wild beauty of Montana. Softball, soccer and basketball were her jams back home. She still plays softball >>

Lindsey Johnson

Lindsey grew up in Whitefish, Montana and moved to Bozeman in 2019. After graduating Whitefish High School, she attended Flathead Valley Community College where she received >>

Samantha Page

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there!” -Theodore Roosevelt Samantha was born in California but finished school in Tennessee. She has lived in Great Falls, Montana >>

Linda Pierce

Linda joined the JCCS team in 2020 as an administrative assistant and since she has been with JCCS she shows a strong commitment in helping the >>

Kristy Forsman

Kristy grew up in Central Montana. Kristy and her husband Bruce enjoy living in Missoula, Montana since 1997. Some of their favorite things to do are >>

Christine Samuels

Christine is a people person. Starting at JCCS in 2019, she is often the first and last face the client sees when visiting our office, and >>

Victor Lombardo

If there is a single biggest thing that Victor Lombardo has learned in his 25-plus years in IT, it is that technology needs to assist the >>

Sabrina White, PCS

Sabrina White moved to Missoula from Fall River Mills, California, in 1986. Before moving north, Sabrina worked as a certified medical assistant for Syntex Pharmaceutical Corporation, >>

Lee Mandelko, MCSE

Throughout Lee Mandelko’s life, he has been known as Mr. Fix It. And “challenge accepted” is how he approaches life. Because of that, if it involves >>

Carla Reneau

Carla Reneau is service. Throughout her 30-some-year career her job titles have ranged from administrative assistant to customer service representative to barista. She’s worked in insurance, >>