Lindsey Nichols, CPA, QKC, QKA
Director of Employee Benefits, Shareholder
Great Falls, MT

- Audit
- Employee Benefits
- American Institute of CPAs
- Montana State Society of CPAs
- Great Falls Society of CPAs
- Employees Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
- American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries
- Qualified 401(k) Consultant – 2020
- Qualified 401(k) Administrator – 2012
- Certified Public Accountant – 2007
- Master of Professional Accountancy 2004
- B.S. in Business / Accounting Option 2003
- Montana State University – Bozeman, Montana
After graduating from college, Montana native Lindsey Nichols took a job in Portland, Oregon, with one of the country’s largest accounting firms. After a few years she simply missed her home state too much and began looking for an opportunity to not only return to Big Sky Country, but to also build a career where she could positively impact clients on a more individual and direct basis.
The ideal opportunity turned out to be JCCS, where Lindsey soon began to specialize in retirement planning. Today, educating clients about their options in setting up retirement plans for successful futures is as fulfilling to her as being back home.
Lindsey’s goal is to tailor JCCS services to meet each client’s unique situation and both short- and long-term goals. As a part of the Employee Benefits group, she works with a range of JCCS counterparts to develop a customized retirement plan that’s specifically suited for each individual and business client’s needs. In addition, Lindsey and her JCCS team members make sure each plan adheres to expanding IRS and U.S. Department of Labor rules and regulations so clients don’t have to navigate these difficult waters – so clients can devote more time and resources to their other endeavors.