Thomas Anders
The world of accounting can be tricky to navigate without the right guide. Thomas, and everyone at JCCS, work their hardest to ensure their clients’ financials >>
The world of accounting can be tricky to navigate without the right guide. Thomas, and everyone at JCCS, work their hardest to ensure their clients’ financials >>
Amelia Haverkamp is an outdoor enthusiast, and her love of nature is what brought her to Montana. While originally hailing from North Dakota she has now >>
Max transferred to Montana State University in 2022 from Irvine, California. He continues to enjoy many of the same hobbies such as ice hockey, skiing, and >>
We are not trying to be your accountant for this year, we are trying to help you succeed for decades. This was Jacob’s first tax season >>
The world of tax is constantly changing and evolving. Jordan believes that it is essential that tax professionals constantly work towards understanding the changes to taxation >>
Jason understands that the relationship he has developed with his clients extends beyond numbers. He believes that to help clients accomplish their goals, it takes listening >>
Zac was born and raised in Gallatin Valley. He attended Carroll College and graduated in 2016 with degrees in accounting and finance. He has worked in >>
Ronald Schafer (Ron) was born in Minot, ND and his parents moved to MT 6 months later. As a graduate of Glasgow Senior High, he attended >>
Katy is excited to help new and existing clients at JCCS. Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think! >>