Episode 1: Identifying Your Data – It’s more than just ones and zeros
Properly managed, your data can efficiently help you make your best decisions
October 5, 2020 Category: Cloud ComputingOver the last several years we have seen big shifts in the data industry – including specifically as it relates to accounting. The data your business is collecting and creating grows daily. There is data you want to keep, data you don’t need or want to keep, and most important there is data that when gathered, sorted, managed and visualized with high-quality automated tools can help you see what’s happening and to project what you want to happen.
Hosted by Brenda Peyton and Erin Vukelich
Guest speakers: Tony Vanorny and Drew Rieker
Download Slideshow https://www.jccscpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Identifying-Your-Data.pdf